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“The price of our vitality is the sum of all our fears”

David Whyte

one to one

  • What I do is a form of mentoring that combines depth psychology, somatic focused inquiry, & spiritual guidance. Usually I work with people for a series of one hour sessions. These sessions are shaped depending on what you’d like to work on for our time together.

    I meet you where you are, without judgement, and create a loving space for you to explore mental and emotional blocks, to help you move stagnant energy, connect more with your heart and hear your own inner guidance with greater clarity.

    This will look different for each person. In our sessions we may explore through movement, sound, writing, embodiment exercises, energy work, emotional release techniques and more.

    I often give homework for the space between sessions, and help you to create a daily practice that is most supportive for your needs.

  • That’s entirely up to you, we can start with one or you can decided on a block of sessions so we can structure our time together.

  • I work online via Zoom, & in person from my home in Cork City.

  • I never want someones financial situation to be an obstacle to them receiving support in their healing journey.

    For this reason I offer a sliding scale for my sessions so please reach out and we can discuss an amount that works for us both.

  • I offer an intro call free of charge, it’s best to have a chat before we embark on working together.

    You need to feel that I’m the right fit for you, and I need to be sure that I’m equipped to support you fully.

Let’s connect